Winter Reflections
Tanisha Caldwell Tanisha Caldwell

Winter Reflections

We are all in such a rush to get to the next thing. The next goal. The next season. But why? We have no idea what waits for us there. Why are we so uncomfortable just being present in this season. In this day?

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The Holy Suffering of Motherhood
Tanisha Caldwell Tanisha Caldwell

The Holy Suffering of Motherhood

Much is said about the tender beauty of motherhood. It is one of the sweetest gifts one can experience. It is full of silly jokes, sweet hugs, and so many beautiful moments. I consider being a mother to my 8 children one of the best gifts I’ve ever been given. But it is not without its share of pain.

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Learning to be Thankful for Suffering
Tanisha Caldwell Tanisha Caldwell

Learning to be Thankful for Suffering

Our natural inclination is one of self-preservation. We don’t want to suffer and will, at almost all costs, fight to keep ourselves from having to experience trials and tragedy. In The Problem of Pain, C.S. Lewis writes, “The human spirit will not even begin to try to surrender self-will as long as all seems to be well with it. Now error and sin both have this property, that the deeper they are the less their victim suspects their existence; they are masked evil. Pain is unmasked, unmistakable evil; every man knows that something is wrong when he is being hurt.”

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Tanisha Caldwell Tanisha Caldwell


When those of us who are nurturers realize that our deep empathy has caused us to put aside our better judgment when choosing life partners, I think it’s time to do some work with God to heal the parts of ourselves that keep choosing others over our own mental and emotional health.

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Be warmed and filled
Recipe Tanisha Caldwell Recipe Tanisha Caldwell

Be warmed and filled

We are called to love like the Creator loved which is to say that we should be faithful, present, and sacrificial. Our goal should be to give of our time, our emotions (in the form of empathy), our resources, and more.

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Motherhood, Margin, and Time With God
Tanisha Caldwell Tanisha Caldwell

Motherhood, Margin, and Time With God

What we value is revealed by how we spend our time. If I value my relationship with God, then I will make time for him. And at the same time, it is often difficult to make time to really study the Bible, have devotions, and pray when you are a mom. Our days are so packed with truly necessary things that must be done.

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Nothing Can Satisfy Your Soul Like Christ
Tanisha Caldwell Tanisha Caldwell

Nothing Can Satisfy Your Soul Like Christ

All of the things that I love the most are good and beautiful things. Gifts from God. He wants me to find joy and comfort in them.

But… They are just echoes of one much, much greater.

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When Someone You Love Refuses to Heal
Tanisha Caldwell Tanisha Caldwell

When Someone You Love Refuses to Heal

There will be times in your life when you are in some sort of relationship with someone who is carrying around some unhealed pain or trauma. This could be a romantic relationship or something else like a friendship.

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Don’t Let Fear Kill Your Dream
Tanisha Caldwell Tanisha Caldwell

Don’t Let Fear Kill Your Dream

I don’t believe we were meant to live in fear of what others are going to think of our work or of us. My opinion of my work is the only opinion that really matters.

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What do you love?
Tanisha Caldwell Tanisha Caldwell

What do you love?

We show our love by being with others, by giving to the poor, by caring for our neighbors, by visiting the lonely and the prisoner and the sick. Our pursuit of pure love will spill over into everything we do.

If you find that you have been allowing other things to become your first passion then come back to that center.

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Are you needy?
Tanisha Caldwell Tanisha Caldwell

Are you needy?

We are a pull-yourself-up-by-your-own-bootstraps kind of people.

However, I think we are hurting ourselves and missing out on some beautiful aspects of community. We were designed to need others. We were made to depend on God and his people.

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Fully known. Fully loved.
Tanisha Caldwell Tanisha Caldwell

Fully known. Fully loved.

Authenticity is about being true to who you really are; who you were created to be. It’s tempting to pretend so that we don’t risk anything, but only risky vulnerability will get you intimacy.

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Facing the fear of joy and rest
Tanisha Caldwell Tanisha Caldwell

Facing the fear of joy and rest

The more I talk to people the more I realize that many of us have a difficult time with rest and joy.

We have trouble feeling joy fully. Have you ever found yourself experiencing something good in your life, only to find yourself waiting for that inevitable bad thing to happen next?

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The freedom of creative work and entrepreneurship
Tanisha Caldwell Tanisha Caldwell

The freedom of creative work and entrepreneurship

By nature, most entrepreneurs and creatives are not traditional beings. We tend toward doing things differently and living outside the box. I think we just begin with these ideas of what working for ourselves should look like.

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Making creating a daily habit
Tanisha Caldwell Tanisha Caldwell

Making creating a daily habit

I believe that creativity feeds on creativity, meaning the more creativity you put out, the more you get back. I don’t think you just run out. This is why people often give writers the advice to just write something.

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Keeping ideas in the open
Tanisha Caldwell Tanisha Caldwell

Keeping ideas in the open

I have tons of books in my house. I keep them around in physical form because I’ve always been in love with the idea of having a personal library with thousands of books. My kids pick these books up and read them. My library includes books on theology, picture books, fiction, art, business, and so on. I’m sure that my kids have read books they wouldn’t normally read simply because they are sitting on my shelves. They are out and available.

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Books on creativity that I’m currently loving (and what I want to read next)
Tanisha Caldwell Tanisha Caldwell

Books on creativity that I’m currently loving (and what I want to read next)

I LOVE reading books about art and creativity. Generally, I come away feeling so inspired and full of new ideas.

But there is something else that I love about it. Whenever I read them, I feel this sense of being a part of this larger creative community because I identified with the author’s thoughts, struggles, and victories in pursuing their creative dreams and careers.

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What’s so important about inspiration?
Tanisha Caldwell Tanisha Caldwell

What’s so important about inspiration?

This is why inspiration is important. Living life, being in community, and paying attention to the art and work of others is what fuels your own ideas and creativity. Without those things, your ability to generate new art and ideas is limited.

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