How to stop making decisions from fear
How many decisions do we make based on fear instead of intuition, love and hope? Sometimes this is a subconscious fear that we aren’t even aware that we have because we haven’t even taken time to reflect on the WHY behind many of our actions and patterns.

Minimalism and Creativity
Over the last year, I’d been thinking and learning a lot about minimalism- minimalism and the environment, minimalism and society, minimalism in the black community, and so on. I was slowly getting rid of things, cleaning out my home, and thinking through what really mattered to me.

If this is love, I don't want it
Have you ever been in a relationship where you felt like you were constantly fighting for the other person? Fighting for their attention, approval, or love?

Removing the risk of vulnerability
Vulnerability isn’t a very sexy word. It’s not passionate. It’s not romantic. It’s not easy. But it is crucial if you want an honest, open, and loving relationship.

Navigating Conflict With Love
All relationships, once they reach a certain level of intimacy, will have conflict. You can't avoid this. It's normal. What matters is how well you handle it and how quickly you repair.
When you handle conflict well, it can actually help you create more emotional connection and understanding.

Planting Seeds
These seeds are potential realities. They were put there on purpose and you were given the creative energy to make them happen. You have all the possibility and power within. You are ready enough.

Showing up even on hard days
You know what people really want on the internet? Connection. We want to see real people with real problems and feelings. We want to be able to relate and see ourselves in them.

Creating Habits You'll Finally Keep
So all of your actions are really votes or steps toward the person you want to be. If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, then every time you sit down to work on your business, you are casting a vote to become that person.

2 Must-Haves for a Great Relationship
Creating a happy and healthy relationship can feel confusing at times.
I think much of it can be broken down into two simple parts:
Passion + Friendship

3 Steps to Rewire Your Brain from Negativity Bias to Being a Positive Thinker
Do you find yourself spinning out whenever you have a difficult conversation or get bad news?
Maybe you tend to feel high levels of anxiety or you go right to the negative and fixate on that instead of keeping all the positive in mind.
In Buddha’s Brain, Rick Hanson writes …

How I found what makes me happy
What makes you happy?
For me it's when I'm doing what I love and feeling free. I've always been the type of person that needed freedom in order to create and do what I know I'm meant to do which is to write and help others on their journey through life.

Comparison is stealing your joy
Social media takes the blame for comparison quite often. And that makes sense, doesn't it? Social media is like the perfect breeding ground for comparison because that's where every one posts the best of their lives.

Goals for the last half of 2022
Listen to me, I know you may feel discouraged and have this idea that it's too late to do what you said you would do this year. But you still have 6 months! Do you know what can happen and how much things can change in 6 months?!

What I learned from Pixar's 'Soul'
After my kids and I watched it, we talked about what we got from the movie. Even my youngest picked up on the lesson and said “that life is meant to be really lived.” It is all too easy to get caught up in focusing on the wrong things.

What makes love thrive?
Studies show that the happiest relationships AND happiest individuals are those that prioritize caring for the other. Participants in these studies had an overall increase in their sense of happiness and well-being as they cared for and supported their partner.

Living in Alignment Exercise
We all have life values- those characteristics in life that are important to us and cause us to feel fulfilled, in-tune, and happy. When these values are missing, we often feel dissatisfied and restless. However we don’t usually take the time to really identify these values and measure how our lives are currently lining up with them. But not doing this means that we are living life in an aimless way.

Less Stuff/ More Simplicity
Consumerism ( a preoccupation with and an inclination toward the buying of consumer goods ) is an ugly little habit dressed in pretty clothes. It drives us to want more stuff in our pursuit of happiness. Instead, all it ends up creating for us is noise. Noise in the form of clutter that distracts from what would really bring us happiness- time and simplicity.

Loving Intensely but with Boundaries- One artist’s thoughts
Most of us want to be loved by someone. Because of this, we often put up with things we don’t like. We settle. We overlook it when our partner is dismissive of our needs, doesn’t have time for us, won’t make us a priority, or even when they are abusive. We do this because, sometimes, it’s beautiful.

Art as Confession
In some ways, art is the artist’s way of confiding and disclosing. It is here that they reveal who they are and what they care about. Often, you can learn more about artists through their work than through asking them a thousand questions.

Finding My Way
Though I’ve still been actively posting on social media, I’ve been quiet on the blog lately. At some point during the fall, I lost my way. I didn’t know what to write about. Some call that writer’s block but it felt like something different and I just couldn’t put my finger on it.